
Of Melatonin and Mountains

I have finally figured out what day it is.
And what time it is.

As much as I love to travel, my little pineal body (or pineal gland, whichever you prefer) just can't handle it. It simply cannot decide when to produce how much melatonin. Poor little thing.

Sorry for the science lecture. Sometimes, I just can't help myself.

I just got back from a weekend (plus three days) in Colorado. Let me just tell you something: Ben Franklin was wrong when he said, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Clearly, he had never traveled farther west than the thirteen colonies. (Well, you know, since the land hadn't been explored yet.) Let's face it: the Rocky Mountains are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Seriously. Look at this and tell me otherwise:

I know. I'm speechless, too. Even photos cannot describe the majesty that is nature. I could look at this every day for the rest of my life and never tire of it. In church on Sunday, the pastor talked about Romans 1:19-20 during his sermon about apologetics. To paraphrase, Paul basically says to the Romans, "Look around you! The natural world points to me as Creator God. You are without excuse for your unbelief, because My creation shouts of My existence." When I first read this in high school, I was taken aback. Even now, it is a hard idea to fully understand. Does God really say that all men, even those who have never been verbally told of His love and sacrifice, are accountable to Him? The answer is yes. Does that mean that we Christians should be any less proactive in our sharing of the gospel? Absolutely not.

That was somewhat tangential; I apologize. (But we're still working with applications of differentiation in Calculus, so keep in mind a few things a) I have tangents on the brain and b) tangents are really useful.) But next time you see something like this (my probably-messed-up-somewhere panoramic from the summit of Pike's Peak):

...think of God. Our Creator. Our Lover. Our Friend.

Yeah, it's proof that He loves us.