
Anger Management

I’ve spent the last half hour trying to connect to the DLBCC WiFi. I officially give up.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to experience only one emotion for an entire week (or more). I think most people would (obviously) pick a good emotion—like joyful or excited. Me? I would pick content. But only if I had to.

Experiencing only one emotion for that amount of time would drive me crazy. Even the “good” emotions would get old after a while. Let’s face it: you know those people who are always happy? They never have a mean word to say about anybody, they’re always complimentary, they never complain, and they are just happy. Sometimes I just want to punch those people in the face. For crying out loud, just get angry! Yell at the driver who cut you off. Complain about the humidity. Spill something on your shirt. Say something embarrassing. But please, stop being joyful!

Then there are those people who are just bitter. Constantly bitter. I want to punch them in the face, too. Just shut up about your ex-boyfriend’s current fling. Treat the eighty-year-old with some respect. Stop whining. Find something to be grateful for. But please, stop being bitter!

But I digress.

Emotions are wonderful things. Sometimes (like today), I hate experiencing such a broad range of them in such a short amount of time. (One of the perks of being female, I suppose.) Sometimes (like right this minute), I wish I could make myself experience a little bit broader of a range.

Because right now, you’re probably all convinced that I could benefit from anger management classes. But I’d rather blog.