

I finally got all the blue paint off my face. The things I do for freshman! Running around campus with an itchy face playing Capture the Flag is definitely not high on my list of favorite things to do, but I've learned that if I am enthusiastic, it rubs off on others. (I've also learned that long sentences, even if grammatically correct, are really obnoxious. But I ignore it.)
Some of my belongings are still haphazardly strewn all over the living room, and that actually is obnoxious! I hate that so much of my stuff doesn't have a long-term home. On the bright side, the lava lamp that my dad gave me for my birthday looks really awesome. I just want to feel settled, though.
I'm so excited for what God has already begun to do in the students here this year! The Student Association Leadership Team (SALT) has really grown together and bonded in a supernatural way. We really are a completely random group of people who all just want to be like Jesus and make attending Roberts an incredible experience. I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be involved.
My sister moved onto campus today! I'm so glad she's here. It was great to see my family again (and get my vacuum). It's weird to think that a year from now I could potentially (hopefully?) be across the country for grad school. Ugh. Grad school. Applications are due in a matter of weeks. My GRE scores weren't great. I'm antsy to move away from everything familiar and explore the unknown. I'm terrified to move away from everything familiar and explore the unknown.
Someone told me recently that they'd be praying that all the proverbial doors close except one so that God's will becomes as plain as day. At first I was taken aback by this, but I am now praying for the same thing myself. God knows where He wants me, and I want to be willing to go wherever that may be.
I'm listening to Pandora, and the song Hallelujah by Bethany Dillon was on while I was typing that last paragraph. The lyrics definitely got my attention:
I could climb a mountain, swim the ocean, or do anything
But it's when you hold me that I start unfolding
And all I can say is hallelujah, hallelujah
Whatever's in front of me help me to sing hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Whatever's in front of me, I'll choose to sing hallelujah
I'm pretty sure it's the first song of hers that I've ever heard, but I really love it. In fact, it's index card worthy. I have fluorescent-colored index cards that I write Scripture and lyrics on and stick all over my walls. They've helped me to memorize so many incredible verses and are a constant reminder for me to include prayer and worship as a part of everyday life.
So many people are engaged! It's really depressing. On a somewhat related note, I've decided that little kids with big brown eyes and blond hair are the absolute cutest things ever. Apparently it's one of the most rare genetic combinations, but I am completely in love with it!
I probably should go to bed since it's 1am and I have a busy day (again) tomorrow. September is going to be ridiculously insane. No local Verizon customers have phone service right now and it sucks.